Know where to invest your budget for optimum outcomes. Forecast with confidence. Capture actual cost and benefits with pragmatic financial management tools for the PMO.
Capture and monitor budget, forecast, and actuals at portfolio, programme, and project level.
Use strategic prioritisation to understand the business value of initiatives competing for investment.
Benefit from a single source of truth for all financial information, with integration to your financial accounting system.
From funding sources to cost categorisation, configure Power Framework to meet your process and reporting requirements.
Maintain budgets at portfolio level from different funding sources, and allocate them down to programmes and projects with full visibility of their needs and shortfalls.
Spreadsheet-like features make it easy for your team to forecast programme and project cost forecasts - compliant with your standard cost structure.
Resource costs flow into your investment calculation, as do actuals from timesheet and financial accounting.
Centralise budget allocation, with full visibility of forecasts, actuals, and variances
Store, manage, and review your financial data in one place with powerful dashboards
Integrate transactions captured in other systems, like vendor invoices and timesheets
Experience a fully connected solution that’s as intuitive and easy to use as Excel
Create models to visualise alternative portfolio scenarios
Assess the financial impact of different portfolio roadmaps
Simulate different start dates and durations, de-select projects, delay future phases, and more
Compare scenarios and pick the one that represents optimum budget utilisation
Give your project portfolio the best chance of success.
Avoid funding issues with our PMO financial management tools.
Our financial management tools harness the market-leading capabilities of the Microsoft Power Platform for superior visibility, control, and security.
Power Automate offers unparalleled integration and automation, allowing you to customise and streamline your solution. While Power BI consolidates your financial and resource data into a consistent, single source of truth to deliver attractive and powerful dashboards that enable you to make informed decisions.
There’s no third-party remote hosting. All your financial data is stored in Dataverse, the Power Platform’s secure database, in your own Microsoft cloud.
Our customers rely on our experience to enhance collaboration, engage stakeholders, and achieve project success.
Gold Microsoft Partner
We’re a Microsoft-recognised, award-winning solutions provider
PPM expertise
Since 2005, we’ve deployed PPM solutions using trusted technologies
Agile deployment
We use rapid prototyping and an agile approach to save you time and money
Our easy-to-use Project Portfolio investment features make complexity manageable. Get in touch, we'd love to show you.