Microsoft PPM Software

Transform project portfolio management

Connect your data, processes, and teams in the Microsoft cloud ecosystem with Power Framework PPM.

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PMO-Portfolio-Management-Software projects-by-type-UI

Prioritise and strategize with confidence

Accelerate innovation and project demand processes and align your investment to strategic drivers.


Have complete visibility of your projects

Manage documents, risks, issues, and finances in one place. Easily track project progress and streamline resourcing.


Improve compliance to improve success

Build a best practice PMO governance framework for your organisation. Reduce admin and reporting overheads, so you can focus on mentoring your team.


Your single source of truth

Engage stakeholders, support data-driven decisions, and build your reputation as the PMO for successful transformation.

Get full visibility of your projects and portfolios.

Plan, budget, track progress, report, and prioritise all in one place.

Scenario-modelling-UI-2 project-modelling-UI

Portfolio management

  • demand-management-icon-2

    Stay one step ahead with centralised demand management

  • List

    Prioritise with a quick, intuitive ranking system

  • Strategize

    Strategize confidently with scenario modelling

  • stages-icon

    Create realistic roadmaps to deliver the projects that matter most

Explore feature


  • decisions making

    Avoid conflict and uncertainty. Support your decision-making with data

  • automation-icon (1)

    Save time with automated workflows

  • Standard template

    Get consistency with applied templates and standards

  • search-icon

    Identify and monitor risks with standardised data and reports

Explore feature

risk-dashboard-hero-ui compliance-dashboard-hero-ui
Portfolio_Budgets Portfolio_Budgets-Pie Chart

Financial tools

  • Manage

    Store, manage, and review your financial data in one place

  • ROI-icon

    Plan, track, and forecast at all levels with unrivalled accuracy

  • capture-icon

    Capture actuals with timesheets and accounting software integration

  • Overspend

    Get shortfall and overspend risk alerts sent straight to the people who need them

Explore feature

Resource management

  • team-icon

    Manage resources by team, role, skills, and individual

  • process-requests

    Standardise request and approval processes with clear visibility of capacity and shortfalls

  • integrated-timesheets

    Capture project and non-project actuals with integrated timesheets

  • cost-calculation

    Fully integrated with programme and project cost calculation

Explore feature

program-financials-UI-hero portfolio-budget-UI (2) (1)

Finance tracker

  • Personalise your worksheet with custom filters based on cost category and time

  • budget-categories

    Define your program budget with a single view of program Opex, Capex, and funding sources

  • unify-budgets

    Confidently allocate program budget while maintaining clear visibility of unallocated funds

  • forecast-costs

    Get a holistic view of forecasts and actuals to respond to cost impacts faster

Explore feature

Work management & collaboration

  • laptop-icon

    Connect to your teams' preferred task management and scheduling tools

  • teams-outline

    Embed everything in Microsoft Teams

  • speed-icon

    Automate and integrate to save time and keep everyone informed

  • Admin

    Reduce administrative overheads

Explore feature

PF Progress report
PF Progress report

Make the most of Microsoft

Power Framework PPM is built on the Power Platform which works seamlessly with your Microsoft cloud. Manage all your projects in one place and build a data-driven culture for your PMO with Microsoft project portfolio management software.

Learn about the Power Platform

Trusted by organisations across all sectors

We're certified, compliant, and easy to work with.

Working with us

With Power Framework, we have the tools we need to increase process harmonisation, efficiency and compliance –all in our strategic Microsoft cloud platform.

Matt Franklin
Head of PMO Operations, LifeArc

Experience powerful project portfolio management

See the potential of Power Framework PPM for your business.


Request a demo